How to Get Back on Track after a Vacation

vacation-reentryRe-entry After a Vacation

Re-entry after a vacation is a double-edged sword. On one hand, taking a break from your usual routine can leave you feeling refreshed, creative and ready to rock! That is, until you crash land into a mountain of work. Performers who dive back into an intense training program, series of auditions or job responsibilities can set themselves up for post-vacation blues, with a strong possibility of injuries and burnout over the next few weeks. Before this happens to you, here are some tips to make your transition easier.

First, ease back into you schedule so you don’t get overwhelmed. If you feel guilty, be aware that even a pope admitted to the press that he had difficulty returning to a daily routine. It takes time to adjust. Start by getting back to a regular sleep cycle (especially if you’re jet-lagged), good eating habits, and a paced exercise program with rest days.

Next, build in 15-minute breaks throughout the day, as well as a day off each week to enjoy yourself. This habit will help you reduce mental and physical stress as your work level slowly increases. Use your favorite vacation photograph as a screensaver on your laptop. However, being glued to technology can also rob you of your serenity. So please give yourself at least one hour each day to JUST BE without even a cell phone to distract you. Oh, and don’t forget to plan your next vacation. While most performers love their work, periodic breaks will improve your productivity.

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3 Responses to How to Get Back on Track after a Vacation

  1. Tara says:

    Hi, Dr. Hamilton, recently had major surgery. I’ve noticed how quickly my muscles have lost strength, especially, my thighs. Where should I start in getting them back?

    • Dr. Linda Hamilton says:

      Tara, please speak to your doctor about how to regain your strength. Physical therapy may help. Or, perhaps you can work out at the gym. However, you will need medical guidance to know what & when to exercise. Let me know how it goes…

  2. Tara says:

    will work on it and we’ll see, thank you

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